Friday, April 26, 2013

That's A Wrap.

Honey Hutters! Are you ready for a beautiful weekend? I have completed many back-burner projects around The Hut this week (which is why I was a little light on posting). I painted our front door (the mat isn't quite right but I'm working on it) and made the pedestal pots too, installed a drip system for some deliciously fragrant plants out front, oh! and planted our vegetable garden (yay!). I haven't been to my studio in two weeks...ugh. But finishing these big projects will hopefully free up some time for me to take The Little Girls to see a local production of The Little Mermaid tomorrow and spray the acre for weeds, and Jackson is coming for a Sweetheart Sleepover, maybe get some yoga in before my body further protests, plus spend more quality time at The Ranch. Speaking of The Ranch, look what's about to bloom! PEONIES! My Mom planted some of these lovelies quite a long time ago, seeing their faces each Spring is like a giant kiss from her. I can't wait.
(Goo and I in a hug on The Ranch this morning)

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