Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Chickens?

Lately I've been thinking of raising chickens. Martha Stewart did a show last week about backyard chicken coops. Smart people everywhere are demanding cleaner, healthier food and since this cleaner, healthier food is often expensive, why not save some $$ and grow it yourself? My friend Tamber raises chickens. Her hens are so happy, I could tell when I tasted their eggs. We started buying our eggs from a local farmer last summer. So far, he is selling these delicious organic eggs (they taste like butter!) for a song and so I've put off building a coop and buying chicks because it is cheaper to buy his eggs and let him do all the work. I told Tim I was again thinking of raising chickens, he told me this; "My goal is to make our lives easier, raising chickens will not make our lives easier. If you do this, I will not help with the chickens." This is no surprise to me, it is Tim's standard answer to most ideas I have. So Tim doesn't want to help raise chickens, but I'm sure he'd help himself to their eggs.
Admit it, a coop like this one makes you want to raise chickens too.

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