Monday, March 23, 2015

Family Hike-Lower Echo Lake.

We took our Littles on a day hike to Echo Summit on Saturday, it was a gorgeous day. We didn't have a goal when we first got up there, just wanted to see how far The Littles and Pug could hike. But after we ate our packed lunch, we were all itchy to get on the trail.

We hiked the Eastern side of Lower Echo, about 1.5 miles each way.
The Littles complained minimally, were encouraged greatly by the promise of a spectacular view at our end point, beach play and lollipop rewards.
Our trail's end was this beach that isn't supposed to be a beach, the water is very low. Private cabins at our backs and the wind off the lake in our faces.
Tim and I were amazed at our Little Hikers, even Pug left us speechless. The reward at the end of the day's hike? HOMEMADE HOT CHOCOLATE!! recipe here.
We dipped peanut butter cookies in the thick, piping hot chocolate, such a delicious reward.
On our drive home, Pug slept on my lap and The Littles made not a peep.

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