Friday, August 12, 2011

Goodbye 3.

 Tomorrow is Ivy's fourth birthday!
Have I mentioned how much I love the age of 3? I do. I really, really do. And so does Ivy. She has been saying, "I'm really going to miss being three..." since April when she realized that her birthday would change her age forever. Up until that point she had decided she was going to stay three forever and break all rules of numerical aging and it's symbiosis with a birth day. I was all for that. But I am celebrating her last few precious hours of being three. Ivy, my complexly emotional little girl. Three has been so very good to her and for us a magical year of her life.
oh...have you ever seen this?
A gift from Sharon The Great shortly after Ivy was born.
It is the "thing" I'd wish to run back into a burning house in order to save. 

1 comment:

  1. oh she is so grown up! happy birthday, Ivy! (love all the photos, but especially LOVE that photo of her in the sunglasses!)
