Sunday, August 7, 2011

Great Lengths.

 Savannah's Ballet School doesn't do recitals. When I first asked Teacher Pam if she held recitals she rolled her eyes, cringed and mumbled in her posh British accent, "ugh...recitals are so tacky." Instead she directs two performances a year (The Nutcracker and a summer show), all students are encouraged to participate. These  productions are exquisite, I dare say worth the $20 per ticket. The costumes are handmade by a Mom whose daughter is a Company Girl, the details of these costumes and the stage props are magical. The talent as far as the school goes is top notch and never disappoints. Last night we saw Coppelia. It was fantastic. Savannah wasn't in the performance, she wanted desperately to be dancing with her classmates but it was poor timing considering the practices were held the weeks of and after Grady's birth. Now that I see how serious she is about dance, I am starting to get nervous about the future investment impact (time/financial commitment) this ballet school may have on our family. Before last night's final curtain Savannah asked me when The Nutcracker was and to which part will she dance. Oh Boy...let the time commitment begin.

 Ballet School.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh...I cannot imagine the sweetness of Savannah dancing in The Nutcracker! I'm sure it's a commitment that involves time and money, but in the years to come I know it will pay off in her grace and determination. My parents never put me in dance lessons, and I wish, wish, wish they had! I lack a certain grace. Oh, and also lack the complete ability to move my body on any dance floor. :)
