Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Day of School.

 Before I had kids I taught Jr. High school. Each first day of school I never thought about how those early morning jitters and nerves affected  my students, I was too nervous myself to think about what the parents and their kids were going through those moments before the bell rang. As of yesterday I am fully aware of the emotional cliffs a parent has to talk their young child out of jumping off in order to function enough to walk out of the comfort a home provides and into the unknowns of her classroom. It was hard for me too, I struggle with not knowing what my child is up to while away from me, if she is using her manners and if she is happy. She is so little, is someone watching her? My fears and nerves were eased the moment we walked into the classroom and Mrs. Reeves welcomed Savannah with a big hug. There is no place more homey than her care.
 Ivy waiting at the bus stop.
The moment she stepped off the bus she said, "I don't want school to be over!"
 This is a happy kid.

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