Monday, August 5, 2013


Last week The Littles and I went to the state capitol building to visit my sister Deanna at her work.
It was a little less of a "summer" field trip and more of a "we haven't seen you enough lately so let's catch up in this strange-to-me environment" trip. But still she took us places we wouldn't have seen on our own and into her office to meet a few of her co-workers. 

My favorites were of course the rotunda, the old and beautifully crafted elevators, the governors' portrait gallery, a peek at the building's foundation, this unintentional and very professional photo-bomber (love the smirk) outside the governor's office and several hints to the past in the forms of gorgeous chandeliers and...   
telephone booths! I know this was lost on The Littles but I almost got choked up over the endearment and charm of these private telephone booths. I am certain someday these will be in a museum as an art installation piece where only the older generations will remember and the kids will be like "imagine if phones were connected to a wall and people could only use a phone to call out from a stationary position and in some places there were quaint, tiny rooms just for having a private phone conversations! Brilliant!" OK so I got taken away there for a moment, but it reminds me of my college dorm experience and the telephone booth I used in the lobby to call my Mom when I needed a good sloppy-choke cry away from my roommate. Oh the stories these booths could tell!
Thanks Deeds for showing us the abridged, yet inside (it's a crazy maze in there!) version of our state capitol. I'm super proud of you.

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