Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Mother's Day.

Dear Mom,
There were countless times you said to me, "Just wait until you become a Mom, then you'll understand." You were right. I get it. I get you. I'm trying to draw from what you taught me, how you raised us, your example. I don't know how to raise these little girls any other way. I need you now more than ever. I need your advice on how to deal with Ivy when she is inconsolable, she is so much like me. You'd know just what to do. I need you to know Savannah and just how interested she is about you. I need help with a sewing project I'm stuck on. I need your advice on my garden and honey hut. I need a hug and a back scratch. I need to see your eyes light up with love and pride for me. No one's opinion or advice ever meant more to me than yours. No one's love ever was needed more by me than yours.
If you were here, I'd tell you all this and more.
I appreciate you and love you now more than ever.
I miss your friendship and know that it would only
be stronger because of
the understanding bond of Motherhood.
Thank you for raising me with such love and grace.
Happy Mother's Day.
I love you.
Your Dut Dut.


  1. Mud, this is a beautiful letter. Patty would have been so proud of you and the amazing mom you've become. She continues to be the great example to all moms . . .love you.

  2. Dusty, I so wish I could have known her. You are such a wonderful mom, and I know she loved you well- as you do the same with your girls. You're passing your mom on to them through who you are- the meals you cook, the stories you tell, the owies you kiss, the flowers you pick, and all the little touches you do to make life meaningful and beautiful for your family. Those photos are priceless, and I know the memories are as well. Words aren't enough, so just know I say with tears in my eyes- Happy Mother's Day my friend.
