Tuesday, April 21, 2015

New News.

Hi Hutters.
A few weeks back I posted about some big news around here then immediately had to edit the post because I had forgotten I'd promised Tim not to say anything here until he was ready (remember that, Jay? Ha Ha!) But the big news is we've purchased a new store. Let me catch you up if you are newish here to The Hut: Tim and I along with my brother Jared and his wife Jenny own a Carpet One Flooring store. We've known for over a year another Carpet One owner nearby was looking to sell but the timing and price wasn't right until now. Our family is so excited and also acutely aware of how much responsibility falls on Tim while he is busy at both stores. This month is a big transition as the guys phase out the former owner and work hard to streamline the new business. There is so much potential in this new store, I can't wait to see how high Tim and Jared take it.

(random doll head on mailbox, just because.)

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