The Potter's had us over for BBQ and so Krista and I did a bee check. But first very curious sheep and goats had to be put in the barn.
Then I lit the burlap and pine needles for the smoker and we got busy.
In the Left box, 6 frames were built out, heavy with honey. Right box, just 4 are built out. We are doing an experiment with our boxes. Left box has all natural beeswax inserts in each frame. Right box frames are plastic but coated with beeswax. Left box the bees seem to be building from top to bottom, Right box from left to right.
We were thinking this frame had mold or perhaps this is what brood looks like. But after Krista inquired about this greyish-ness to her wise beekeeping aunt, we believe it to be blackberry pollen of all things.
Colonies seem well and the oozing gold inside looks delicious. When the last frames are busy with bees, we will add a super and the hives will each be 2 high.
(thanks for taking pics Tara!)
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