Auntie Jenny hosted a playdate yesterday. Spending time with other Moms and their little chicks makes me feel more normal, and not as crazy as I sometimes feel.
Thanks Jenny.
Lissa and Hudson

This photo says it all. Just a boy and his ball,
wistfully wishing to play outside.
Will, what a charmer.
His sweet and loving nature,
his hugs and conversation, those lashes!
Jeni, you are doing an amazing job. He is perfect.


I can't get enough of these boys...
Thanks Jenny.
wistfully wishing to play outside.
Will, what a charmer.
his hugs and conversation, those lashes!
Jeni, you are doing an amazing job. He is perfect.
I love how you document the play dates! Hopefully these little ones will grow up as fast friends. The cousins are adorable, and William is lucky to get to tag along and enjoy the fun. I'm all for weekly get togethers! Before we know it they'll be in school and these days will be harder to come by...although then there can be mom play dates ;) Coffee shops, antiquing...something that doesn't involve trailing your child constantly so they don't break something or someone! Oh wait- that's just William, your girls are so calm & sweet. :) xo