When the holiday season arrives and in celebration you look around the room at all the people you celebrated with the year before, you can't help but count your lucky stars, say a prayer of gratitude and savor the time you have together because thankfully everyone made it back together safely and happily. The weekend was wet and cold, but we filled our days with warmth and love by celebrating the holidays with friends and family.
Keszler's Christmas Party
Petit artists, warming up before the party.
Santa was there, a big hit with the kids, "he" brought The Little Girls new DVD's. Savannah is still wondering how Santa has our same wrapping paper...oops.
Ivy wanted NOT to get close to Santa or anything else to do with him for that matter.
The Treadaway girls and their boys.
Blurry but really nothing is sweeter than seeing little William sing Christmas carols while holding a candle. Precious.
Jeni and I with our elves. Thank you Jeni and Robbie, your holiday party is amazing and I so look forward to it. You are so lovely to spoil your friends the way you do.
We spent Saturday at the Combellacks (my aunt and uncle's), most of my Mom's side of the family was there. It was so relaxing and homey, I forgot to take pictures. But the day was reminiscent of all of my childhood holidays both Thanksgiving and Christmas. It was so normal and happy for me, it hurts when holidays go by and I don't get to celebrate in this way. My Grandparents, Aunt and Uncle, cousins, my siblings, their children and family pets...it was a perfect day. And yesterday Dee Dee hosted a cookie decorating party. More on that to come!